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About Birds Of Paradise

Birds of Paradise Montessori is a micro-learning community school situated in East Orange, New Jersey. Under the leadership of a dedicated Christian mother, our school is guided by a vision to foster curiosity and instill a lifelong passion for learning. Serving as a haven for learners in and around the East Orange area, we are committed to providing a holistic approach to education.


Nature-Centric Environment

Nature serves as a profound source of inspiration for the mind, body, and soul. Birds of Paradise Montessori believes the Montessori method emphasizes following the child, nurturing their natural curiosity to cultivate an independent individual empowered to make choices and
discoveries. & quot; The child has a different relation to his environment from ours... the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that his eyes see and his ears hear.” Maria Montessori


Equity-Focused Environment

Birds of Paradise Montessori is committed to ensuring that every child in our environment has equitable access to opportunities and resources, irrespective of their background and identity.


Inclusive Environment

Birds of Paradise Montessori is dedicated to establishing an inclusive learning environment by prioritizing a sense of belonging, embracing diversity, and ensuring equal opportunities
for all children to thrive. In our learning community, we are committed to cultivating inclusivity through the following core principles: respect for diversity, individualized and collaborative learning, the incorporation of inclusive materials and resources, fostering a positive classroom culture, and promoting collaboration among students.

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Montessori Focused

Birds of Paradise Montessori is dedicated to embracing the time-tested educational
methods pioneered by Maria Montessori. Our learning approach encompasses the following key principles: child-centered learning, a thoughtfully prepared environment, fostering freedom within well-defined limits, utilization of Montessori materials, emphasis on practical life skills, incorporation of multi-age classrooms, and an overarching holistic approach to education.

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